Primary School Programs
A Montessori education can have a wealth of benefits for young children, because the Montessori Method promotes a sense of individualism and personal-responsibility from an early age. By enrolling your child into the primary program at The Montessori School, you can feel confident knowing that your child will be learning quickly, independently, and happily. Primary school is for kids from ages 3-6, and it utilizes a number of different materials and tools to encourage an accelerated path of learning that will continue through elementary school. Keep reading to discover what your child has to gain from primary school in the Montessori environment.
Montessori Preschool Curriculum
Through play and sensory activities, children in primary classrooms will be exposed to curriculum in math, language geography, history, music, nature studies, and cultural awareness with an emphasis on foreign language. This broad curriculum is much richer than the lessons taught in the average pre-school classroom, as it is designed to take advantage of the eagerness that children have to learn and discover new things in their early adolescent years.
Classroom Structure and Materials
Instructors in the Montessori classroom are present to guide students and offer help when needed, but the backbone of the Montessori Method is independent, self-paced learning of new skills. This means that children have more freedom in the Montessori classroom, where they can use a wide range of materials for different lessons. Because young children at the ages of 3-6 years are active, sensory learners, there are many tools provided in the classroom to add physical, auditory, and visual components to new concepts. To keep limits in place and further instill a sense of responsibility in young learners, students are expected to be self-starters with new lessons and clean up after themselves as they finish with a specific activity.
Developmental Landmarks in Primary School
Between the ages of 3 and 6, children learn language at an explosive rate with a vocabulary that will grow by 8,000-14,000 words. Therefore, The Montessori School incorporates a number of language-based activities—including musical lessons—to encourage language learning and promote success in pre-reading skills. The freedom of the classroom promotes social development through this period as children are learning to distinguish between reality and fantasy, form ethnic and gender identities, and play cooperatively by taking turns and sharing. Children may still stumble with their fine motor skills and physical coordination at age 3, but they will continue to gain confidence in their movements by working independently in the classroom.
With campuses in StarCreek and North Dallas, The Montessori School is dedicated to helping children meet their full learning potential by promoting an atmosphere of curiosity and discovery for students from 6 weeks to 6 th grade. You can schedule a visit to one of our campuses by calling us at (972) 727-2800.